
Glashutte Original

Glashütte early as 1845, the watches Carpenter ALange funded by the German government, in the eastern part of Germany's Glashütte established a production base clock. But after two world wars, once isolated Glashütte watch industry, until after the company restructured in recent years Glashütte incursion. 99 Senator introduced in a large double windows calendar watch calendar more access to Vienna, "the Year Watch" honors. They have made this list of technologies is beyond a lot of Swiss brands.

Flight 1930 had invented the tourbillon-style (a word is extremely complex micro devices, used to offset the gravity of the machine running the watch due to error), the Western world until 90 years on display in Basel, "the world's first a flight-type Tourbillon. "

Glashütte Events

1845: Fernand A. Lange founded the town of Glashütte, Germany in the first watch factory;

1852: Julius Assmann's pocket watch available;

1863: Birth of Glashütte first code watch;

1874: First Lady was born only 25mm in diameter;

1893: Germany established the town of Glashütte watchmaking schools;

1904: Glashütte Precision Watch Co., Ltd. was established here;

1921: Original Glash? Tte name for the first time become a trademark of the dial;

1927: Glashütte watch factory in the town after World War I formed Uhren-Rohwerke-Fabrik Glash? Tte AG (UROFA), tide over the crisis;

1951: Glashütte watch factory in the town after World War II, the composition of VEB Glash? Tte, re-production;

1990: State-owned VEB GlashutteTte Uhrenbetrieb transition into the Corporation

1994: The Glashutte Tter Uhrenbetries GmbH is a conglomerate, a private enterprise, and to "Glashütte Original" for the product labeling;

1996: loyal to the old 3 / 4 plywood watches available in 1845;

1998: German porcelain factory name, "US-Chen" began co-production of painting enamel watch;

1999: Need for a floating tourbillon watch available;

2000: Senator calendar watch was a large window, "Watch the Year," first prize;

2001: first when the total in the history of the official countdown mechanical watch market, "Glashütte Original" added Swatch Group, and get another "watch the Year," first prize.

Glashütte is a German watchmaking industry in the town center, then, the cause of Glashütte watch began in Germany Saxony Mug litz valley near this small town. Glashütte manufacture of dollars in the earliest history can be traced back to 1845. In 1994, the brand Glashütte to G la shutte O r ig in al official name of the watch back in the world arena. The more than 150-year-old German veteran, to form pure German descent, revealing once again the German watchmaking industry in the light.

1845, Fe rd in and A do lph lan ge created the first watch factory. In fact, he not only founded a watchmaking factory, more importantly, created the entire watchmaking. To achieve his vision, lan ge sincerely invite fellow professionals and other renowned watchmaker involved in his plan. The first to join the Ju liu s A ssm ann, he is Mr. lan ge-law take care of business early on to help his in-laws is to promote the new watches Saxony backbone of the manufacturing sector. Although the relationship between the two close, but not affect the healthy competition. In 1852, itself a watchmaker's A ssm ann own company and began producing pocket watch, by virtue of his accuracy when the performance of world-renowned, but also in numerous international exhibitions on the winning numerous awards and medals, impressive achievements .

In addition Ju liu s A ssm ann, the Glashütte also attracted back to the development of other watchmakers. 1851, in Dresden to the lan ge study with a teacher of A do lf Schn e id er decided to settle in Glashütte business. Early development of the Glashütte other influential figures have Ludw ig S tra sse r and G us tav R ohd e. In 1875, two-hand set S tra sse r & R ohd e mechanical timepieces factory and manufacture of precision With the pendulum started when the account name in the industry, its development has laid a good foundation.

In 1863, the first device with chronograph watch available.

To a large market needs and cultivate more professionals, M or itz G roBm ann then in 1878 set up a "German watchmaking school, not only for the Glashütte watch nurture a group of professional technicians, many graduates return with tour nations, to exchange with the Swiss watch industry, watchmaking know-how will be carried forward. one of the best is A lfred H e lw ig, he graduated from the German watchmaking school, followed by multi-national studies in the total process time, return with back Glashütte Observatory watch set up workshops, with exquisite adjustment process and the invention of floating tourbillon fame and join the school as instructors. now approximately 20% of the plant in training.

Glashütte watch companies produced in 1905, enamel surface, using its traditional design, a total of three sections, Louis XV style inlaid with gold pointers. After the outbreak of World War I, European populations everywhere in the world economic downturn, the company's plans for the development of Glashütte sudden shelling ceased. Glashütte town company in the case of depression struggle to survive, in some out of business. Adversity can not stop even if the current pace of progress Glashütte company, just one year, the "Glashütte again on a new image appeared, a new series produced entirely in industrial processes. These magnificent timepieces, blueprint by a company called H ren-R ohw-e rk e-Fab r ik AG conceptual design companies, but this time the outbreak of World War II, the ownership watch companies must turn to the production of military supplies, Grasu City company was not spared. until after the 1994 merger of East and West Germany, Glashütte before the altar in the world to restore the original name of the watch.

With the fighting spirit of perseverance and excellence of quality assurance, "Glashütte arose in the altar watch. The new development stems from a dynamic of wisdom. Then watch the increasingly popular, while the purchasing power of consumers Yu Lai more, watch becomes a fashion, Glashütte also conform to the trend, follow the development of this trend.

As Glashütte tirelessly towards goal, efforts to reform the accuracy of the product, adhering to the spirit of excellence, achievement of the variety of the wonderful treasures.

Glashütte factory has more than 160-year history, and keep intact the German watchmaking's tradition, each piece of watch have reached the area of industrial Biaozhun. Glashütte to the invention from the product design to production tools, production parts, to product assembly, grinding, packaging, etc., fully completed by Glashütte Original.

German watch has a unique style, Glashütte watch, too, pay more attention to Germany's industrial technology, high-tech factories, highly functional, durable products. Germany's watch industry has maintained this tradition. In addition, the German watch like a Swiss watch as a general dial-oriented design, the size of watch is not as clever as a Swiss watch. German watch design is relatively simple and practical. Today, Glashütte still hailed for a number of patents, laid the foundation for the German watchmaking. Glashütte not only gathered in numerous leading watchmaker, has gathered a lot of case Carpenter, pointer and balance manufacturers, and companies committed to developing quality watch parts supply system in Germany.

Glashütte watch industry is not only a model of the German precision, is the tabulation of the most important centers keep pace with the Swiss watchmaking industry.

Founder: A.Lange

Year: 1845

Country: Germany

Respective organizations: Swatch Group

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