
Rado shape the future

Rado watch legend

1957 has been as a professional supplier of the Swiss watch movement SCHLUP company, for the first time to launch its watches RADO brand products. Five years later in 1962, launched the world's first Rado form a hard wear-type watches - DIASTAR Diamond Star, with its unique oval shape design and innovative technology to conquer the market hard metal material. Since then, the Rado will form the beginning of its unique combination of materials and elegant design of the brand success.


All of the success stems from the Rado at the watch, Mr. Chief Designer MARC LEDERRY creativity. Popular sixties of last century gold and steel watch, these watches although very beautiful when it was new, but after a few days of wear will appear as scratches, need to keep re-polishing. Mr. MARC LEDERRY note tool was used in the field of manufacturing and high-tech titanium and tungsten carbide hard-metal composition has a strong anti-wear ability, so they proposed to use this technology to produce hard metal watch. This proposal was then president of the Rado watch PAUL LUTHI support. S an easy to wear type watches was born. This is the Rado watch list DIASTAR Diamond Star legend. So far as to drill a Rado satellite for the former founding type watch is still one of its most popular products.

Different materials

After decades of research and development, Rado and created more difficult to wear form-type material, and applied to the manufacture of watches. From hard metal to high-tech high-tech ceramics, sapphire crystal from high-tech lanthanum metal, to the high hardness Damrey's 10,000 high-tech diamond ... ... constantly challenge ourselves to the pursuit of a breakthrough after another, leading to continued success.

Behind the new material is a wide imagination and emotional behavior, and strong technological power. These high-tech material is brought through the test of time is still as beautiful as a new watch. Today, easy to wear, has a Rado image of the watch a deep impression.

Unique design of permanent

The design is unique and enduring relentless pursuit of another form of Rado. Distinctive, flowing lines, with a strong sense of modernity and innovation - this is the Rado watch design. "We are respected, not the popular quarter or a year, because it is too short. We brought an enduring classic of the United States, the same material as we can stand the test of time." - Rado Watch Mr. ROLAND STREULE Global CEO always described the design of Rado Watch pursuit.

In fact, the design of Rado always strive to go beyond the watch limits of time and space to create the perfect classic style. Its unique external design and wear comfort, the designer, materials experts and engineers to work together the results tab.

Not only have their own Rado Watch Design Center, also maintained close cooperation in many freelance designer. In numerous manuscripts and design, only a handful of boutique in the boutique will be selected into production, and the pursuit of innovation time and again.

Rado, shaping the future - the new brand Declaration

"Beauty that lasts" - either material or design should be unique and be able to experience the test of time, that is, the pursuit of permanent Rado Watch beauty, but also constitute a form of Rado indispensable element of the brand.

Rado, shaping the future (RADO. Shaping the Future) - Rado Watch launched a new brand declaration. Although the new slogan, but the spirit of not only the brand Rado watch has not changed, but also stressed the concept of upholding their brand - to the unique design of sophisticated materials and perfect integration. Shape, reflecting the elegant design and styling; the future, represents the enduring beauty of the material and the constant pursuit of

Rado watch new version of the print ads, the flow of liquid converging esthetically beautiful and rich texture of the watch, a strong visual impact, the watch also reflects the spirit of the Rado - a unique long-lasting materials, beautiful classic design, full of change Also under control. Emotional expressions in such a way to interpret the brand's unique, elegant and avant-garde visual experience, the overall image of the even more elegant. Unique brand declaration, the same interpretation is a unique brand.

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