
Ulysse Nardin Skilled and Innovative Watchmaking

From its founding in 1846, Ulysse Nardin has gone through a half-century as one of Switzerland in Athens ten watch watch, in the context of its permanent long-term, skilled and innovative watchmaking ability Athens has become a synonym for the watch. Committed to a breakthrough in watch technology and an endless supply of creativity, which form the brand value of the watch in Athens and the main spirit of the classic elements of watchmaking skills.

Ulysse Nardin
Ulysse Nardin in the January 22, 1823 was born in Le Locle, Switzerland. Years ago by the father Leonard Frederic personally teach the process of technology watch, then follow the master of contemporary watches William - Dubs (William Dubois) study.

1846, UIysse Nardin shipping companies began to manufacture marine timer and alarm clock. However, due to the economic downturn in 1970, and finally in 1983, headed by Rolf Schnyder received a group of investors. Schnyder took over, decided to resume the performance of the company, so contact with a love of watchmaking astronomer and mathematician, Dr. Ludwig Oechslin, and to create a stunning masterpiece, the result "Galileo satellite imager type" (Asbolabium Galileo Galilei) As soon as he introduced it at the time of dollars off a whirlwind world.

Its precision watches to the originators of the name of showing extraordinary quality technology, has been 150 years of history. Athens, each one meter manufacturing, are adhering to the quality and mechanical innovation tradition. Its consistent excellence, just gained 18 in the international gold medal, and the 4300 Excellence Award winner Observatory Clock manifest. In the 150 years of watchmaking history, Athens has been identified as experts in manufacturing marine chronometer. Athens sailing chronometer is listed as the most reliable and most historically accurate account of the time, has not only remained the world's treasure house for collection, more has been the world's more than 50 Navy's designation of dollars.

1862 Athens watch at the London International Exhibition of "precision timepieces, pocket Observatory Clock" group won the most respected Tsung's "Honor Award", the Ulysse Nardin pocket Observatory in the international field of retaining its position when the meter leadership. And in 1878 his pocket chronometer and its astronomical clock Mariners won the Paris International Exhibition gold medal; 1893 World Exposition in Chicago in a mixture of fine gold and silver embossed design of the Observatory watch for art and crystallization of scientific masterpiece, the "navigation and bags Observatory Clock" group won the gold medal; Athens Observatory, the location of navigation when the capital account in the United States Naval Observatory in Washington test, won the first seven test name. 1915 Naval Observatory in Washington, DC, to participate in testing of 60 watch among the Hong Kong Observatory of Athens won the championship.

Breguet 1923 to commemorate the centenary anniversary of the death master, when the Neuchâtel Observatory Design Competition organized by the International Observatory, Ulysse Nardin won the only championship. 1935 launched a new 24-hour double-bagged stopwatch second hand a high degree of precision can be calculated to the tenth of a second precision for movement time, and won many awards and gold, is indeed remarkable for its innovation and the best proof. 1975 Neuchatel Observatory published the last of the quality of the performance of the Observatory when the official report into account. According to the report, Athens was obtained during this period of the certificate, award include: 4504 in the issued certificate in mechanical terms seaway accounted for 4324, losing about 95% of volume; received 2411 awards, 1069 one for the championship, including four series of the Observatory Clock awards; in precision navigation timepieces, pocket watches, wrist watches and other groups, were 747 champion; in the Neuchâtel Observatory's four groups, won 1816 championship.

Launch in 1985, the great physicist and an anthropologist named Galileo Galileo satellite dish watch. Athens shine again, the watch even in February 1988 included in the Guinness Book of World Records; 1988 meter run watch Copernicus launched to commemorate the Polish astronomer; 1989 on its first three questions with the activities of dummy timekeeping Watch - San Marco, a limited production, with gold, platinum, two pairs of second hand sub-options and stopwatch Berlin. Launched in 1992, Kepler astronomy watch, in appreciation of the German astronomer, and complete the "trilogy of-hours" watch series.

Basel Watch Fair in 1994 introduced for the first time in the design of the GMT ± tourists watch in 1996 to commemorate the 150 anniversary of the Athens plant, the Observatory launched in 1846 sailing watch, and to Dr. Ou Kelin Ludwig named new calendar watch; in 1998 to commemorate Ulysse Nardin for the 175 birthday anniversary of the introduction of a single button stopwatch "Pulsometer"; 1999 to commemorate the millennium year of the new millennium, Athens introduced GMT ± Perpetual Calendar watch, two unique and special of Athens Some features rolled into one; Freak in 2001 launched a new watch, a no, the minute hand, face plate, the crown of the 7th energy storage Tourbillon watch. Introduced in 2002, Genghis Khan watch - the first bell music only Westminster Tourbillon Mirs four hammer three repeater watch; in 2003 launched the first watch only asked to play spring combination, dual time, countdown SONATA ring watch and access to international innovation and technology awards

Founder: Le Locle

Year: 1846

Country: Switzerland

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